Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hug them tighter

Yesterday I received some really heartbreaking news that one of my friends from high school went into preterm labor and lost her sweet little boy. I was shocked about how fast she had everything she wanted and then lost it. It broke my heart to think of what she and her family is going through. So hug your loved ones a little tighter because you really have no idea how fast you can lose them. I know that much to Lincoln's dismay he got a lot more hugs and kisses last night.  I know that I am going to make sure from now one to pay attention to all of my blessings and tell my Heavenly Father how grateful I am for all of my blessings. Especially my husband and son. 

 On another note, Please excuse my absence lately. Life has been kind of boring lately so there isn't really anything exciting to report about. Two weeks ago I started back at school since Lincoln was born and I'll tell you what school was hard before I had a baby and now that I have a 5 month old baby it's really hard. Nap times aren't used for crafts anymore, they're used for homework. I am really grateful I am able to get my education but I'm even more grateful I'm almost done. I found out just this week that I can graduate in July! I know, it's about time.

Anyway, here are a few pictures about life lately. 

My camera has been dead with a lost charger and then as soon as I got a new charger it broke so please excuse the poor quality of these pictures.
And Lincoln doesn't make a very pretty girl.
He's definitely a boy.

1 comment:

  1. It was so hard for me when Annie lost her little guy. Lily wasn't even a year yet. I would check on her all the time, especially at night. I didn't sleep much, but instead many nights watching her sleep and crying :(
