Friday, July 31, 2015

2 months

My little Savannah is two months old! It's been a quick two months. She is the happiest little baby. She has the biggest gummy smile and we love to see it and she is always willing to share it. Her coos are so dainty and girly. I can't help but giggle when she gives a little feminine sign of relief after she sneezes. She has grown so much this month! She is just about out of her 0-3 month clothes, which makes me so sad because they're so cute (lame reason, I know). She has been wearing size 1-2 diapers but today I tried a 3 on her and she is definitely in a size 3. How does that even happen at 2 months?! She is the best little eater. She is nursing like a champion too. There is no relief though because she refuses a bottle and a binky. I do love that she is still 100% dependent on me, but it would be nice if Daniel could feed her in the middle of the night every once in a while. She HATES her car seat. If she's awake in her seat then she's screaming so we try and plan our outings around her nap times. She isn't sleeping through the night quite yet but I'm hoping we're getting close. She sleeps from 7 to about 1 and then wake up about every 2 to three hours. I can't wait until she sleeps through the night but until then I'm grateful she naps well. She loves to be snuggled at all times and she loves to be snuggled by me more than anyone (booyaa). Lincoln loves to give her kisses and she is very gracious in receiving them but you can definitely see the stress in her eyes as she see's his mouth getting closer and closer. She brings such a joy to our home and we're grateful she's ours. 

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