Monday, April 11, 2016

Lincoln Bear

(His first bowl of cereal, I didn't know that he would ask for it for a week straight afterword at every meal.)

Lincoln is out of the baby stage that Savannah is still in so I often forget to document his milestones are cute things he does. He is the funniest little boy. multiple times a day I hear "Mommy watch!" followed by him jumping off of something usually too high for an almost two year old to be jumping off of. He is also so tough. He rarely cries because he hurt himself. In fact he usually cries because I make him stop playing so I can clean up blood or make sure there are no broken bones. He LOVES animals. He's always talking about doggies, horses, and chickens. If he could read books all day he would love it. The only acceptable interruption for reading time is going outside. Digging in the dirt and mowing the lawn are his favorite outdoor activities. He has recently discovered basketball and when we're at the park you can find him trying to throw a ball, any ball, at the hoop. His vocabulary is always growing. His most recent word is kangaroo or googoogoo. Talking to Lincoln is a lot like playing the game Mad Gab. He and I have things that he only asks me to do and I feel so honored that this sweet little soul wants to have these things with me. I love my Lincoln bear and the perfect little boy he is and the little man he is growing into everyday.

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