Monday, June 29, 2015

One Month

Savannah is one month old! she doesn't look like a squishy new born anymore and it makes me sad a little. She still has tons of bright blonde hair. It sticks straight up on top and kind of has a little bit of a swish so we might end up with a curly top, but we'll see. I think her eyes are going to be blue, they're looking more and more blue everyday. She has the funniest little cry and it's SO QUIET! She is a nursing champion which I am just tickled about. I was so afraid I was going to have to fight and struggle with nursing but she has latched on and nursed from the second she got here. She loves to be swaddled. If she is really fussy we just wrap her up tight and she instantly calms down. She grew out of newborn sized clothes in about four minutes and is now in 0-3 month. At her two week appointment she had gained back all her weight from birth and then a full pound. She's growing quickly. She's the best napper but I can't say the same thing about sleeping at night. When we first got home from the hospital  she slept from eight until three and was awake for only 20 minutes then would wake up again at eight in the morning. It was dreamy! Now it's so hard to get her to sleep and it's even harder to keep her asleep unless she's laying right next to us. It's exhausting. Hopefully this next month we can figure sleeping out a little better. We just love having this sweet girl at home. She has started to become more aware and is starting to smile a little and it makes our time with her so much more fun.

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