Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A momma of two

Life with Lincoln and Savannah has been a lot harder than I expected. I remember when I had Lincoln it seemed really easy. I had a problem nursing so I pumped for while then switched to formula, and I had an occasional night that he wouldn't sleep but overall, I had an easy baby. I also had a lot of help. Living with my parents gave me baby sitters basically anytime I needed one, an adult to talk to when Daniel was at work, and someone around in case I needed help. I didn't realize what I had there until we moved out and brought Savannah home. Don't get me wrong I would definitely rather live in my own dreamy house than with my parents, but staying at home all day with my two babies makes for some long and hard days. Savannah is a terrible sleeper, and won't take a bottle, or a binky, so I never get a break from her. Although Lincoln has accepted that Savannah is here to stay and  he absolutely adores "his baby" but he's learning new things so my responsibility as a Momma to him has gotten bigger since I now have to teach him things like manners, and coloring with crayons, and other sorts of childhood things. I've realized now that I'm always on the go with zero time to myself.

That all sounds like I'm complaining but i'm not. I love that Savannah nurses like a champion and she needs me more than anyone else because I'm still solely keeping her alive. I love that Lincoln has finally learned sign language and can now tell me what he wants afters months of trying to teach him. I love that I get to stay home with the two of them and watch their cute little relationship grow. But things like blogging are not a top priority. I know there are a few people that check my blog (Hi grandma) so I want to keep up with it. I love to look back and read my old blog post and see how far Daniel and I have come in our marriage, see our family grow, and see all the changes we have made together. So bare with me as I try to blog when I get a few minutes to myself.

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