Wednesday, June 1, 2016

12 Months

Savannah is a year old! WHERE DID THE TIME GO!? I am in shock! She still seems like such a baby to me so I really can't believe she is one. This month she started to push herself off of things so she can stand on her own. If you try to help her stand on her own, she won't do it. She's quite an independent girl. She shows no signs of walking anytime soon. She will shuffle along furniture a little bit but she's really content with crawling everywhere. She has always been a happy girl, this month she took it to the next level. She started to giggle at herself when she does silly things. It's not a real giggle though. It's more like a pity laugh. Which makes it even funnier when she does it. She has learned to sign "more" and I've seen her sign "potato" once. Her new favorite food is cantaloupe. She will eat it everyday for every meal. She stopped nursing at the beginning of the month and now she loves her bottle and milk. We discovered that she loves to swing. We made Lincoln a little canvas swing last year for his birthday and we just hung it back up for the summer and she will sit in for an hour or more just swinging and watching everyone around her. She loves to be outside and dig in the dirt. she adores her brother and has to be doing whatever he is doing. I'm so grateful that I had such a perfect first year with Savy and I can't wait to see her little personality continue to develop and see the little lady my girl is going to become.

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