Saturday, October 8, 2016

Savannah can hear

There have been a few days in my life that stuck out higher than others. The day I started college, My wedding day, The day I gave birth to both of my kids. You know basically the highlights of my life. On July 19th I added another day to that list. Savannah was able to use her ears for the first time!

In preparation for that day we were told not to expect too much and Sav might cry. Sound might scare her and she won't really like it. I have been watching YouTube videos of cochlear implant activations basically since the day we found out Sav was a candidate for them, so I was expecting a magical moment where she smiles and giggles and everyone cries because she heard our voices. I was okay with not having a moment like that though because Sav was going to be able to hear!

So on the 19th when we got to the audiologists I was so nervous! I was excited but nervous. I'm still not sure why. So there's a lot of technical stuff that has to happen before activation so once we were in the office we sat and waited for a while.

Even though they warned us not to get our hopes up about Sav's response, she did not disappoint! She smiled and giggled the entire time! That little girl continues to blow my mind with all she does.

Once it was time to activate them it all seemed to happen so fast, but so life changing. Seeing Sav respond to noise, my voice, and other sounds that I have never even noticed before reminded me once again all that I take advantage of with my working ears.

 Here are a few clips to give you a taste of how awesome that day was and how perfect Savy it. 

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